CEA-40 organizes, on April 26, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., under the title "Supply chain disruption: new disputes in the construction sector?" this interesting event in hybrid format, which will feature the participation of Noa Rodriguez - partner of the procedural department of Lener, Raúl Salamero - PwC Forensic, Alicia Larrazabal - Técnicas Reunidas and Teresa Gutiérrez - Gómez Acebo y Pombo, as moderator.
We will discuss the new disputes in the construction sector arising from the disruption of the supply chain, in this context of raw materials and energy crisis.
In person: Lener's offices (Paseo de la Castellana 23, Madrid).
Online: the connection data will be provided after registration.
Reduced capacity: ensure registration by sending an email to administracion@clubarbitraje.com indicating the type of attendance, in-person or virtual.
More information: Click HERE
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